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For Such A Time As This

There are two major events in God’s calendar that give Christians purpose and direction in their lives. One is the first coming of Jesus; the other is the second coming of Jesus. Our lives are anchored to these two great events.

Before Jesus returns however, there is a great harvest of souls to be gathered in and much Kingdom work to be done.

The Apostle Paul instructs us to pray in I Timothy 2:1 for all men, kings and all who are in authority. The reason for this prayer is that God wants all men to be saved.

What connection does praying for government and leaders have with the salvation of people?

If praying for leaders and all in authority can have an impact on the end time harvest, then what is the most effective way to pray?

This book looks in detail at the relationship between Elijah, John the Baptist and our role and responsibility in preparing the way of the Lord. It gives insightful instruction and teaching on our position of authority in Christ Jesus and how to pray for leaders and those in civil authority; even those who are not godly or even wicked.

This book is a must for those who pray. It will give you powerful tools for your prayer life and insight into the Word of God that you may have never seen before.

You’ll discover…

  • How John the Baptist came in the “spirit and power of Elijah”
  • The place and position from which a Christian can pray
  • What is meant by “the government shall be upon His shoulders”
  • The outworking of God’s judgements, justice and mercy
  • How God’s anointing can be dispensed to those in authority


For Such A Time As This


    © 2021 Cameneti Ministries, All Rights Reserved © Haylie Noel Photography (images of Tony and Patsy)

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